In the quiet of the morning with coffee in her hand She opens up the Good Book to see God's holy plan Proverbs 16:3 it catches her weary eye "Commit to the Lord" she whispers with a sigh
She feels a gentle peace begin to fill the room Like sunshine through the window breaking through the gloom
She's been walking through the valley but now she starts to see His promise bringing hope and setting her spirit free
Commit to the Lord oh whatever you do He will guide your steps and see you through Her faith finds strength and her heart can mend With every new sunrise she learns to trust again
Her troubles seem so heavy like stones upon her heart But she gives them to the Savior and feels a brand-new start The weight begins to lift as she kneels to pray She knows she's not alone He's with her every day
Commit to the Lord oh whatever you do He will guide your steps and see you through Her faith finds strength and her heart can mend With every new sunrise she learns to trust again